Starting-Payment Options
This page will give you the starting-payment options for a SINGLE Franchise or a MASTER Franchise
Single Franchise
1 Postcode Area
You have 2 payment options with a Single Franchise
Option 1 “Special Fast Track Package”
Option 2
Pay £798 over 3 months 3 x £266
Master Franchise
5 Postcode Areas
You have 2 payment options with a Master Franchise
The Master Franchise is something very special, it allows you to plan for expansion and the joining package is excellent and is our most popular package for many reasons:
- Huge 50% (half price) discount off of ALL postcodes
- Cheaper monthly management fees, just £120 per website which is easily covered by just 1 advertiser
- Profit already built into the Master Franchise
- 6 months to pay, this makes it self-financing
- Choice of 5 postcode areas, (or more if you wish) linking together where possible
- Use our “Pick & Mix” method to choose 5 postcodes of your choice
- This is excellent when used with the 50-50 system
- FULL re-franchise rights. You can re-franchise your Master Franchise (or part of it) at a profit.
- FULL rental rights. You can rent your Master Franchise (or part of it) at a profit while still retaining ownership.
Based on 5 websites “Master Franchise” the normal cost is £1,995
but see our “Special Fast Track Package”
Option 1 “Special Fast Track Package”
- Pay the ingoing fee as a 1 off payment and enjoy a HUGE £300 discount taking the franchise down to just £1,695
- PLUS You will go the TOP of the website build list.
- Profit already built into the Master Franchise
- PLUS You will have 30 potential advertisers added to each of your websites, worth £25,000
- PLUS You will have one dedicated “personal” support person allocated to your business for one on one help
Option 2
- Pay £1,995 over 6 months 6 x £332